Uniting Communities of Women and Their Supporters Around the Power of Sport | SeeWhatSheCanDo
Women and girls face many barriers in the world of sport including lack of female sports media coverage, access to resources, and role models. How do you encourage women to be active and make lasting improvements on inclusion and diversity in the world of sport?

Start with an empowering business model and a bold brand identity. Build a welcoming neighbourhood on a first-of-its-kind digital platform where active women of all capabilities can find and share their stories. Add female sports action-photography and resources for 67+ physical activities, plus a directory of businesses who are passionate about active women. Weave in events and groups to help women get connected and find their tribe. This is SeeWhatSheCanDo – a community that unites women and their supporters around the power of sport.

SeeWhatSheCanDo is a thriving community of 40k+ active women and an ecosystem of 60k+ sport-loving businesses. Etal Founder Tina Finelli is also a passionate supporter of women in sport and Co-founder of Check out SWSCD’s powerful business sport marketing services.

Chelsea Purcell
Former General Manager / CWHL’s Markham ThunderSeeWhatSheCanDo is an amazing organization, pushing to grow women's sports for you. I worked with them when I was with the Markham Thunder on many different aspects with my favorite being an amazing empowering women’s event. They work with athletes and organizations to help women access amazing sporting communities. Join their network and grow with them!